More Shilo Pictures


Shilo Playing in Water.jpg (30154 bytes)

Shilo Rebecca Water.jpg (38714 bytes)

Shilo really enjoys playing in the Water during his baths!


Shilo got a new "Sister" in July.  Her name is When Pigs Fly - or Whendy for short.

Shilo and Whendy 1.jpg (26114 bytes)
Shilo                          Whendy

Shilo and Whendy Back Scratch.jpg (12247 bytes)
Shilo              Whendy
Shilo and Whendy.jpg (29434 bytes)
Shilo            Whendy


Shilo Sheet.jpg (62367 bytes)
Whendy and Shilo Back Scratch.jpg (40038 bytes)
Whendy           Shilo


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